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    Архів записів

    англійська мова

    Виконайте завдання:

    18.05- 22.05


    Контроль говоріння.

    1 Вивчити розповіді: визначні місця України, визначні місця Лондона.

    2 Розповіді є у попередніх уроках.

        Виконані завдання сфотографувати і прислати на вайбер 0971220431 або на messeger.


    Виконати завдання

    1Розповідати про визначні місця Лондона. (текст  під відео)

    2 Виконати письмово вправу 3 ст 118.

      Виконані завдання сфотографувати і прислати на вайбер 0971220431 або на messeger.

    Увага !

    Контроль читання.

    Tuesday, the nineteenth of May


     Foreign exchange emails.

    1 Прочитати текст .Пояснити значення кожного слова.(наприклад 1а )

    2 Написати правильне (Т) чи неправильне твердження (F).

    3.До фрази підібрати синоніми.

    4.Дати повну відповідь на запитання.

                                   Sightseeing tour in London

    London is the capital of the United Kingdom. More than 8 million people live there. The city is situated on the river Thames.

        London has a lot of places of interest. Tower Bridge is a symbol of London. There are two towers in the bridge. Two parts of the bridge are lifted to allow ships to move up the Thames.

          The Tower of London The Tower was once a palace, a fortress, a prison, and a zoo. Now it is a historical museum. The place consists of 20 towers. Guardians in special uniforms can tell interesting stories about the history of the city.

             Westminster Palace or the Houses of Parliament It is the seat of the British government. There are two chambers – the House of Commons and the House of Lords. In one of the towers there is famous Big Ben, the largest clock of England.    

                             Buckingham Palace. It is the official Royal residence. It contains 600 rooms. It is like a small town. On the top of the palace there is a flag. If it is down it means the queen is not at home. The ceremony of changing the Guard is very attractive.

           Trafalgar Square It connects three main streets. The square was named after the Naval Battle of Trafalgar. There is a great column with a granite monument to Admiral Nelson.

     National Gallery It has a fine collection of European paintings. It comprises only some 2000 works. But they are so valuable.

            St. Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English church. The architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral is Sir Christopher Wren. It’s the burial place of famous personalities of Great Britain. There are graves of Christopher Wren, Admiral Nelson, artist Henry Moor and others.

          Another famous church is Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is a place where all kings and queens were crowned and Royal wedding ceremonies took place. Many great people are buried there: Queen Elizabeth I, William Shakespeare, Charles Darwin, Isaak Newton, Bernard Show, Lord Byron, Walter Scott and many others.

            London Eye  is the biggest wheel in Britain. It is 135m high. There is a wonderful view from it. It has 32 cabins for 25 people each. It takes 30 minutes to climb into the sky.

          The Globe Theatre is one of the oldest in London, built in 1599. William Shakespeare was one of its founders. Many of William Shakespeare’s plays were first performed here.

       Madam Tussaud’s Museum is the most popular and talked about wax museum in the world. There are wax models of the famous and infamous, both living and dead from every walk of life. The wax figures are standing and sitting, and sometimes even moving and talking.

    London is also famous for its beautiful parks. Regent’s Park was originally a royal hunting forest. Regent’s Park is the home of London Zoo.

         Hyde Park is the most democratic park in the world, as anyone can say anything he likes there. St. Jame’s Park has a large lake with an island in the middle. It’s famous for the variety of ducks and geese and other birds, which live on the lake.

           London is home to the world’s most famous tourist attractions. Welcome to London!


    Виконати завдання

    1Перглянути відео. Визначні місця Лондона

    2 Написати порівняльну характеристику Велиобританія -Україна.

    (Ст 114 вправа 1)

    3 Розповідати Визначні місця Лондона.

    Увага !

    Контроль аудіювання.

    Tuesday, the twelfth of May


    The weekend

    1 Прослухати діалог. Написати що означає кожна картинка.

    2 Переписати і  поставити галочку до тих дій , які будуть виконуватися.

    3.Доповнити речення.

    4.Дати повну відповідь на запитання.


    Перегляньте презентацію:



    Виконати завдання:

    Тема Україна і Великобританія.

    1Вивчити правила ст106 Вживання артикля the з географічними назвами.

    2 Написати порівняльну характеристику географічного положення Великобританії і України ст 114 (використовуємо текст Ukraine and Great Britain ,доповнюємо його)

    3Розповідати про географічне положення України і Великобританії.

    4 Написати слова в словник  до теми Unit 6 All around the UK and Ukraine


    Виконані завдання сфотографувати і прислати на вайбер 0971220431 або на messeger.

    Ukraine and Great Britain

    Both Ukraine and Great Britain lie in Europe, but Ukraine is situated on the European continent and Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel.

    In fact Britain is a sea country. It lies on the crossways of the sea routes different parts of the world. Great Britain is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the north-west, by the North sea in the east, and by the Irish sea in the west.

    Ukraine is a landlocked country. The major water bodies bordering it are the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov in the south. It lies on the crossways of the land route from the east to the west and from the north to the south.

    Ukraine is larger than Great Britain. The area of Great Britain is 24, 500 sq. km, and the area of Ukraine is 603, 700 sq km.

    In both countries there are a lot of mountains. In Great Britain there are the Pennines and the Cambrian mountains. In Ukraine we have got the Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains.

    There are a lot of rivers in both countries. In Great Britain they are not very long and deep. The Thames is wide and deep enough for large ships in this country. / The Severn

    The largest rivers in Ukraine are the Dnieper, the Dniester, and the Southern Bugh. The Dnieper is navigated by large ships.

    The climate of Ukraine is temperately continental, being subtropical only on the southern coast of Crimea. The climate of Great Britain is damp and mild because of ocean breezes.

    There are many holidays in Ukraine. They are - the New Year's Day, Christmas, All women's day, Easter, the Independence Day, the Victory Day and others.

    There are many holidays in Great Britain, too. They are - Christmas, the New Year's Day, Easter, St. Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Halloween an others.


    Виконати завдання:

    1. Переглянути відео про Великобританію.

    2 .Виконати  письмово вправу 4 ст 105 (потрібно вставити допоміжні дієслова will /wont)

    3. Вивчити слова і записати в словник ст 196.

    4. Навчитися читати ст 110-111

    5.Розказати про географічне положення України і Великобританії.

    Виконані завдання сфотографувати і прислати на вайбер 0971220431 або на messeger.


    Тема Визначні місця України і Великобританії.
    1 Прочитати про Великобританію та Україну ст/ 102-103
    2 Виконати онлайн вікторину про Великобританію.(відповідь сфотографувати та вислати)
    3 Виконати тести з презентації про Лондон.

    Завдання з англійської мови для 8 класу. Виконати завдання до 20.03.2020.

    Читати ст. 100 Baywood  school. Виконати  письмово  до тексту вправи 1 і 2.

    Прочитати текст ”Problem study” і виконати завдання.

    Виконані завдання сфотографувати і прислати на вайбер 0971220431.

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